Digital Marketing Strategies: Tactics You Should Have In Mind For Your Business


To use digital marketing which can be done by sites like amongst others and get the expected results, it is essential to have a well-constructed strategy. It depends on the peculiarities of each company, being necessary to take into account the product or service, market, target audience, and trajectory.

Here are the main steps to build the best online marketing strategy:

Step 1 – Determine Goals

Find out what your company’s goals are with digital marketing. Gain visibility? Increase leads? Sell ​​more? Have virtual authority? Greater visibility? Keeping this in mind contributes to choosing the best channels.

Step 2 – Choose Communication Channels

Research with your target audience which media they use the most and, among them, choose the most efficient for your strategy. Therefore, it is essential to know how it works and what the features of each channel are.

Step 3 – Make A Publication Schedule

It is essential to delegate functions to your team to have professionals responsible for publications and monitoring the channels. It is also necessary to respond to all the messages you receive, one more way to promote interaction with the public.

And to guarantee the organization and good management, there is nothing better than a publication schedule, even if more than one person is responsible for this task. In this way, extra publications or missing something for a consumer are avoided.

Step 4 – Assess Hiring Experienced Professionals

Creating a digital marketing strategy requires a good assessment of the market segment and target audience and the channels to promote the actions. In this sense, hiring a digital marketing agency may be necessary.

With trained and experienced professionals, it is possible to follow the right path with more practicality, without making common mistakes when you don’t have the necessary knowledge. The agency can only provide advice or get hands-on.

Step 5 – Measure The Results

Track and record all information about the results obtained with the actions. This is all useful to be later analyzed, and you can find out if the results are what you expected.

Digital Marketing Metrics


To measure and analyze the results, there are different metrics, techniques that contribute to obtaining more accurate data. See what some of them are:

Unique Visitors

How many visitors accessed your website or blog in a given period.


Interactions, such as clicks and pages visited, from each visitor.

New Sessions

This is another metric similar to the previous one, with the difference that even being a single visitor, it counts as a new session if he returns to your page 30 minutes later. This attitude indicates high attractiveness.

Type Of Traffic

It is the origin of the visit, and it can be organic through search engines or paid campaigns, which will depend on the channels used.

Rejection Fee

Percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave without making any interactions.

Return On Investment

Also called ROI, it is the difference between the sum of expenses with digital marketing and the amount earned with conversions resulting from online actions. The gain must be more significant so that your business does not have a loss.

Customer Acquisition Cost

Indicated by the acronym CAC, it serves to identify how much your company spends on winning each customer. To have a positive result, the cost must be less than what is spent on digital marketing with each customer. These are just some existing metrics to measure the results of digital marketing actions promoted by your company. Also, it is essential to assess which of them can be used by your business.

Anyway, you can’t skip this step. After all, if the results are not as expected, it is necessary to review the strategy and adjust to achieve better results.

What’s more, there must be professionals like for example on your team dedicated to this task. They must also know how to get the job done to avoid getting the wrong results.

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